Will Taylor Swift attend the Super Bowl? Tokyo 'Eras Tour' concert will complicate things

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taylor swift hugging travis kelce connected nan section aft nan afc title game

Swift will apt make it to nan Super Bowl. Credit: Patrick Smith/Getty Images

Here's nan TL;DR: Taylor Swift tin probably make it to nan Super Bowl to watch her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, return connected nan San Francisco 49ers. It'll conscionable return immoderate effort.

Swift is scheduled to extremity successful Tokyo to perform her Eras Tour show from Feb. 7 done Feb. 10. The Super Bowl, meanwhile, is scheduled to return spot Sunday, Feb. 11 successful Las Vegas. It's astir a 12 aliases 13 hr formation from Tokyo to Vegas, which would make you deliberation it'll beryllium difficult to get to Vegas successful clip for nan large game.

But now I'm going to do my champion to explicate clip zones successful writing.

Essentially, Tokyo is successful nan early compared to Las Vegas. It's 17 hours ahead. So, assuming Swift hops connected a level correct aft nan show, she should really beryllium capable to get successful Vegas nan nighttime before the large game.

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However, that is — successful laymen's position — a long-ass day. And location are often complications successful walking for illustration bad weather, postulation getting to nan airport, delays astatine nan concert, etc.

But still, it seems likely Swift should beryllium capable to make it nan Super Bowl. After all, she's been on for nan thrust pinch Kelce and nan Chiefs for weeks now. At this point, if you're a Kansas City fan, you'd person to beryllium worried nan vibes would beryllium disconnected is she didn't be nan title game.

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Tim Marcin is simply a civilization newsman astatine Mashable, wherever he writes astir food, fitness, weird worldly connected nan internet, and, well, conscionable astir thing else. You tin find him posting endlessly astir Buffalo wings connected Twitter astatine @timmarcin.

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