'True Detective: Night Country' episode 5 is airing early. Here's when.

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Itching to study what chilling secrets True Detective: Night Country has successful shop successful section 5? Then you're successful luck: We get to watch it a afloat 2 days early.

According to a property merchandise from Max, section 5 will get an early streaming premiere astatine 9 p.m. ET connected Friday, Feb. 9, up of its HBO premiere astatine nan accustomed clip of 9 p.m. ET connected Sunday, Feb. 11. The Friday streaming driblet takes Night Country out of nonstop title pinch nan Super Bowl — and gives america 2 other days to activity connected our fan theories astir what happened to nan Tsalal scientists.

HBO pulled a akin move past twelvemonth pinch an section of The Last of Us that coincided pinch nan Super Bowl. However, nan bid returned to its regularly scheduled airtime successful nan pursuing weeks, and Max has confirmed successful a property merchandise that nan Night Country finale will aerial connected Sunday, Feb. 18.

True Detective: Night Country episode 5 is streaming connected Max Friday, Feb. 9 astatine 9 p.m. ET.

UPDATE: Feb. 5, 2024, 5:04 p.m. EST This article has been updated pinch accusation from a Max property release.

UPDATE: Feb. 6, 2024, 9:13 a.m. EST An earlier type of this article mistakenly said nan section would beryllium airing successful Jan. It has been updated to bespeak that it will beryllium airing successful Feb.

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