Spotify is signing Joe Rogan to a multi-year deal worth $250 million

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Spotify locks down its apical COVID master for a fewer much years.

In this photograph illustration, "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast is viewed connected Spotify's mobile app

Credit: Cindy Ord via Getty

Constant COVID-19 misinformation isn't capable to extremity Spotify from renewing its woody pinch Joe Rogan's podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. The erstwhile Fear Factor host and UFC colour commentator is group to person an estimated $250 cardinal for an undisclosed multi-year contract.

Other specifications of nan caller statement see Rogan being capable to administer his show connected different platforms and a revenue-sharing statement that's based connected advertisement sales, according to nan Wall Street Journal. The WSJ's study besides states that Rogan's caller statement comes pinch a minimum guarantee but that number besides remains undisclosed.

For nan audio-streaming giant, renewing Rogan was a no-brainer arsenic his show sits atop nan astir celebrated podcasts connected nan level alongside esteemed institution New Heights pinch Jason and Travis Kelce and The Tucker Carlson Podcast. Despite being truthful popular, Rogan is simply a changeless root of controversy. Along pinch nan aforementioned COVID-19 misinformation that is regularly delivered connected his podcast, Rogan has besides faced disapproval for hosting arguable figures and discussing topics that scope from conspiracy theories to politically charged debates.

When Rogan signed his $200 cardinal woody pinch Spotify successful 2022, several artists near nan platform and over 200+ aesculapian professionals petitioned nan work to put an extremity to nan show. Nothing came of it past and thing astir apt will now arsenic Spotify has invested a lot of money into publishing Rogan, despite its issues successful lowballing aliases outright not paying different contented creators and artists.

Thus pinch this caller deal, Spotify will person still paid much money to Rogan's arguable podcast than it did for nan $100 cardinal of its Creator Equity Fund (i.e. nan Joe Rogan apology fund).

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Assistant Editor, General Assignments

Currently domiciled successful Austin, Texas, Chance Townsend is an Assistant Editor astatine Mashable. He has a Master's successful Journalism from nan University of North Texas pinch nan bulk of his investigation chiefly focused connected online communities, making love apps, and master wrestling.

In his free time, he's an avid cook, loves to sleep, and "enjoys" watching nan Lions and Pistons break his bosom connected a play basis. If you person immoderate stories aliases recipes that mightiness beryllium of liking you tin scope him by email astatine [email protected].

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