Score a refurbished MacBook Pro for $660 off

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TL;DR: As of Jan. 28, people a refurbished MacBook Pro (Core i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD) for only $439.99 alternatively of nan original $1,099 — that's 59% successful savings.

If you're keen connected buying a caller MacBook, retrieve that nan Apple Store isn't your only option. While Apple has a slate of MacBooks to cater to each request and budget, location are different ways to people their laptops astatine a heavy bargain. If you don't mind making do pinch an older model, buying a refurbished portion tin thief you prevention big.

And by big, we mean complete $600 successful savings 'big'. This refurbished 13-inch MacBook Pro from 2015 is connected waste for only a small complete $400, and while it's not nan latest and nan greatest, it still offers nan classical Apple experience, but astatine a fraction of nan cost.

It boasts a 13.3-inch Retina show pinch a 2560x1600 resolution, allowing you to game, browse, and watercourse successful stunning value — moreover successful nonstop sunlight. It's powered by an Intel Core i5 processor bolstered by Intel Turbo Boost technology, meaning you tin execute dense multitasking and bask other powerfulness erstwhile you request it. Its 8GB RAM useful to guarantee that you person capable representation to tally nan apps you request to beryllium productive, while its 256GB retention provides nan basal integer existent property for lodging each your basal files and media. Feel free to tally power-intensive programs for illustration video editing package and graphic-heavy games, and expect nan instrumentality to tally without a hitch.

With nan computer's 74.9Whr Li-po battery, you tin perchance enjoy up to 12 hours of surfing and video playback connected a azygous charge. You tin besides link to nan net virtually anyplace pinch nan Wi-Fi feature, and brace various accessories and peripherals pinch Bluetooth 4.0.

Mashable Deals

Get your hands connected this new-to-you MacBook Pro astatine a heavy discount for a constricted time. It usually retails for $1099, but you tin drawback it connected waste for $439.99 — nary coupon necessary.

StackSocial prices taxable to change.

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