iPhone 16 rumors: Every single thing we know about it so far

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iPhone 16 rumors

iPhone 16 rumors are heating up, and we've sewage nan scoop connected it all Credit: Credit: Mashable composite; Shutterstock / SkyArtist01, Champiofoto

The iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro rumors are flooding successful – and we're funny astir really it will beryllium different from nan iPhone 15.

Although it’s early days, we’re already proceeding whispers astir a RAM boost for nan iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus models.

The iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max, connected nan different hand, are reportedly getting immoderate striking upgrades to nan cameras that whitethorn dazzle nan masses. Here’s a compilation of everything we cognize truthful acold astir adjacent year's iPhone 16 line.

iPhone 16 merchandise date

The iPhone 16 merchandise day is expected to beryllium September of adjacent year. After Apple has its full shebang of an arena showcasing nan next-generation handsets, nan iPhones typically vessel astir a week aliases 2 later.

iPhone 15

iPhone 15 Credit: Apple

In nan past, Apple has deviated from this cadence owed to reported accumulation hindrances (e.g., proviso concatenation issues). For example, the iPhone 12 and nan iPhone 14 Plus shipped successful October, but typically, get unveiled immoderate clip during nan first half of September each year.

iPhone 16 design

Let’s dive into arguably nan astir important facet of nan iPhone’s design: nan screen.

There haven’t been immoderate important changes to nan show sizes since nan iPhone 12, but according to reliable leaker Unknownz21, nan upper-tier iPhone 16 models are going to beryllium a small spot much unwieldy successful your hands.


The iPhone 16 Pro will reportedly person a 6.3-inch show while nan iPhone 16 Pro Max will battalion a 6.9-inch panel. You whitethorn beryllium wondering, “What astir nan iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus? Will they get a surface size bump, too?” The reply is apt no. The lower-tier models will reportedly person nan aforesaid show sizes arsenic their predecessors.

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iPhone 15 surface sizes

  • iPhone 15 - 6.1 inches

  • iPhone 15 Plus - 6.7 inches

  • iPhone 15 Pro - 6.1 inches

  • iPhone 15 Pro Max - 6.7 inches

iPhone 16 surface sizes (rumored)

  • iPhone 16 - 6.1 inches

  • iPhone 16 Plus - 6.7 inches

  • iPhone 16 Pro - 6.3 inches

  • iPhone 16 Pro Max - 6.9 inches

Ross Young, a well-known show expert and Apple leaker, was nan first to declare that nan iPhone 16 Pro models will person larger screens. 

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However, he offered somewhat different numbers: 6.2 inches and 6.8 inches. What could beryllium nan logic down nan discrepancy? According to MacRumors, it’s "likely owed to nan quality betwixt existent show area and viewable show area."

Another rumor we're proceeding is that nan iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will proceed to person 60Hz refresh-rate displays. This is simply a small disappointing considering different phones successful nan marketplace astatine slightest person 90Hz screens, making navigating done nan UI smoother, zippier and seamless.

Action Button

A study from MacRumors claims that each azygous exemplary successful nan iPhone 16 statement will characteristic an Action Button — not conscionable nan iPhone 15 Pro variants. The current-gen iPhone 15 Pro models' Action Button tin beryllium programmed to motorboat a scope of apps and functions, including Flashlight, Camera, Silent Mode, Voice Memo, Focus, Magnifier, Translate (coming to iOS 17.2), and a scope of accessibility features.

When iPhone 16 drops, however, nan rumor mill states that Apple will adhd much functionality to nan Action Button.

Capture Button

The Action Button was each nan rage for nan iPhone 15 series, however, according to MacRumors and The Information, a new Capture Button will beryllium 1 of nan biggest trading points for nan iPhone 16. Reportedly placed somewhat nether nan powerfulness button, nan Capture Button is simply a camera-focused characteristic that tin do nan following:

  • Zoom successful and retired of photos/videos pinch swiping gestures

  • Allows users to attraction connected subjects

  • Activates nan shutter button

While MacRumors and The Information some concur that Apple is testing a "capture button" connected nan iPhone 16, some aren't connected nan aforesaid page connected whether it's a mechanical fastener aliases a capacitive one. MacRumors says it's nan latter, but nan Information claims it's both.

Solid-state buttons

Apple reportedly planned connected introducing solid-state buttons pinch nan iPhone 15 Pro models, but instead, we sewage a customizable Action Button. For nan uninitiated, solid-state buttons aren’t buttons per se – they’re panels that characteristic haptic feedback sensations that simulate existent fastener presses (Think of nan iPhone SE series' Home button). On nan positive side, nan solid-state buttons aren’t wholly retired of nan picture. According to respected Apple leaker and expert Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple is moving connected debuting solid-state buttons connected nan iPhone 16 Pro models instead.

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Kuo added that these solid-state buttons will adhd 2 further Taptic Engines, which will thief occurrence disconnected tangible feedback to users. (If this is true, nan number of Taptic Engines successful nan iPhone 16 will summation to 3 — up from one.)

According to a extremity from Weibo (via MacRumors), nan Action Button connected nan iPhone 16 Pro will beryllium a solid-state fastener and beryllium flush against nan chassis. To make room for this change, Apple will reportedly move nan mmWave antenna to nan near of nan iPhone 16 Pro arsenic opposed to nan right. This Weibo extremity comes from a leaker pinch nan moniker "Instant Digital," a legume spiller that reportedly has an meticulous way record, according to MacRumors.

iPhone 16 AI-Powered Siri

The iPhone 16 will reportedly featured an AI-powered Siri.

Siri icon

Siri is astir to get a full batch smarter. Credit: Apple

In different words, Siri is maturing into a much blase integer assistant. According to Kuo, this intends that Siri will bring caller hardware to nan iPhone 16, including updated microphones pinch amended h2o guidance and an improved signal-to-noise ratio.

iPhone 16 cameras

Apple debuted a caller zoom lens pinch a "tetra-prism" creation connected nan iPhone 15 Pro Max, which simply intends that engineers recovered a measurement to "fold" nan shooter truthful that it still has telephoto capabilities without taking up excessively overmuch space. This caller camera increases nan Pro Max’s optical zoom from 3x to 5x.

iPhone 15 Pro

iPhone 15 Pro Credit: Apple

However, according to Digital Chat Station (DCS), a bean-spiller connected nan Chinese societal media tract Weibo, some nan iPhone 16 Pro and the iPhone 16 Pro Max will get nan caller tetra-prism telephoto camera.

DCS besides added that nan iPhone 16 Pro Max specifically is getting nan Sony IMX903 sensor, an upgrade from nan Sony IMX803 sensor. This intends that nan iPhone 16 Pro Max wide lens will person a larger sensor size, allowing for much ray gathering for amended photos and videos successful low-light conditions.

According to Jeff Pu, a tech expert from Haitong International Securities (a Hong Kong finance firm), nan ultrawide cameras are getting a boost, too.

Pu stated tthe iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max models will besides characteristic a 48-megapixel ultrawide camera pinch amended ray gathering. As such, camera capacity successful dimmer environments should improve. As it stands now, nan iPhone 15 Pro models person a 12MP ultrawide camera.

The ultrawide camera is cleanable for taking scenery photos, allowing you to seizure much scenery. However, compared to nan main camera, nan ultrawide lens tends to present a flimsy driblet successful crispness and sharpness. If this rumor is true, nan caller 48-megapixel ultrawide camera whitethorn ameliorate this insignificant foible.

Finally, Ming-Chi Kuo claims that Apple will upgrade nan rear cameras connected nan iPhone 16 Pro models, introducing a stacked design. What will a stacked creation do? According to Apple Insider, it increases ray seizure and provides wider move range, truthful Night Mode should get a saccharine boost.

iPhone 16 specs

The iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max are equipped pinch 8GB of RAM while nan lower-tier models, nan iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro Max, are stuck pinch their predecessors’ 6GB of RAM. If that bums you out, don’t worry. According to Pu, nan iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus are expected to subordinate nan 8GB of RAM bandwagon, too.

iPhone 15 colorways

iPhone 15 lineup Credit: Apple


According to news aggregator relationship "yeux1122" from Naver, a Korean blog, nan iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will characteristic options that connection 2TB of storage.

That is double nan existent max retention capacity of nan iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max.


In caller years, Apple has followed nan inclination of putting last year's chip into nan 2 entry-level models while nan Pro models, nan Pro and nan Pro Max, get nan new-generation chip. For example, nan iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus sewage nan A16 Bionic chip, nan aforesaid wrong nan iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. However, nan iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max sewage outfitted pinch nan new A17 Pro chips.

If this shape continues, it should travel that nan iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus get nan A17 Pro while nan iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max get nan A18 chips. Pu hinted that this is really it will beryllium for nan iPhone 16 line, hinting that nan A17 Pro will reportedly beryllium little efficient. In different words, nan iPhone 16 models equipped pinch this spot whitethorn return a artillery life hit. This is because nan next-generation spot will connection tremendous capacity gains astatine nan disbursal of powerfulness efficiency.

However, different rumor tells a different story.

According to an alleged iOS 18 codification leak from MacRumors, the entire iPhone 16 statement will get an A18 chip. However, there’s a chance that Apple will usage a “Pro” identifier sanction to differentiate from nan modular and Pro models (e.g., A18 spot and A18 Pro).

The iPhone 16 Pro models will besides reportedly support Wi-Fi 7 (current models support WiFi 6E). Wi-Fi 7 should connection zippy transportation speeds that transcend 40 Gbps, quadrupling what WiFi 6E tin do.

According to Pu (via 9to5Mac), nan iPhone 16 Pro will travel pinch Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X75 modem, which tin scope a 5G download complaint of up to 7.5 Gbps.

We’ll periodically update this rumor hub arsenic caller iPhone 16 leaks trickle in, truthful beryllium judge to bookmark this page. 

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Kimberly Gedeon is simply a tech explorer who enjoys doing heavy dives into nan astir celebrated gadgets, from nan latest iPhones to nan astir immersive VR headsets. She's drawn to strange, avant-garde, bizarre tech, whether it's a 3D laptop, a gaming rig that tin toggle shape into a briefcase, aliases smart glasses that tin seizure video. Her publicity profession kicked disconnected astir a decade agone astatine MadameNoire wherever she covered tech and business earlier landing arsenic a tech editor astatine Laptop Mag successful 2020.

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