Here's how to get Windows 11 Pro and Microsoft Office for life for $49.97

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Deal pricing and readiness taxable to alteration aft clip of publication.

TL;DR: As of February 6, get Microsoft Office 2019 positive Windows 11 Pro together for $49.97.

If you're looking for a measurement to upgrade your PC, nan operating strategy is simply a awesome spot to start, and Windows 11 Pro gives you a full batch to activity with. That includes broad upgrades to security, hardware compatibility, and easiness of use, among galore others.

And if you want to trim backmost connected your monthly package fund without cutting down connected what your machine tin do, effort replacing Microsoft 365 pinch Microsoft Office 2019. This lifetime licence for 1 machine comes pinch Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and galore different apps you mightiness usage each day, but you only salary once. You tin get Windows 11 Pro and Microsoft Office connected waste for conscionable $49.97 done February 11.

A brand-new OS and a classical package bundle

Whether you're a business owner, distant worker, aliases moreover a gamer, Windows 11 Pro could beryllium nan smart upgrade to look retired for. Security upgrades see features for illustration wake and lock, Bitlocker instrumentality encryption, support for biometric login, and smart app control

Gamers tin besides return advantage of DirectX 12 Ultimate for improved hardware optimization while you're playing nan latest games. And immoderate personification that needs to tally demanding apps could bask nan improved hardware compatibility. Windows 11 Pro tin usage up to 2TB RAM and 128 cores crossed 2 CPUs. 

Get Windows 11 Pro and save

Upgrade your OS and prevention money connected package subscriptions pinch this awesome double deal. 

Mashable Deals

Until February 11 astatine 11:59 p.m. PT, get Windows 11 Pro and Microsoft Office 2019 for life for $49.97. 

StackSocial prices taxable to change. 

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