Embracer lays off 97 Eidos employees and cancels new Deus Ex game

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Embracer Group, nan institution attempting to forge one video crippled patient to norm them all, has conscionable presided complete different information of layoffs. Eidos Montreal is letting spell of 97 crippled developers and support staff, nan institution announced coming connected X, soon aft Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier scooped that nan workplace has canceled an unannounced Deus Ex video game.

“The world economical context, nan challenges of our manufacture and nan broad restructuring announced by Embracer person yet impacted our studio.”

“The world economical context, nan challenges of our manufacture and nan broad restructuring announced by Embracer person yet impacted our studio.”

Image: Eidos Montreal

“The world economical context, nan challenges of our manufacture and nan broad restructuring announced by Embracer person yet impacted our studio,” wrote Eidos Montreal. Eidos doesn’t mention nan canceled game.

Embracer snapped up some Eidos Montreal and Crystal Dynamics from Square Enix successful May 2022, putting nan studios down Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and Thief nether 1 umbrella. That November, Schreier tweeted that a caller Deus Ex was now “very very early” successful development, and it appears that’s nan crippled now canceled.

It’s been 8 years since Deus Ex: Mankind Divided ended connected a mostly unsatisfying cliffhanger, and it doesn’t sound for illustration we’re going to get a solution anytime soon. Sources told Schreier successful 2017 that an earlier Mankind Divided sequel had been canceled, too. What’s more, Embracer decided to erase nan mobile crippled Deus Ex Go from existence, ripping it distant from group who’d already paid, though I perceive it whitethorn still beryllium playable if you person it downloaded.

The 97 laid-off labor are facing a alternatively much troubling cliffhanger, though.

Since Embracer’s 2022 buying spree, it has besides shut down TimeSplitters workplace Free Radical Design, closed Saints Row developer Volition, and has reportedly been looking to waste Borderlands shaper Gearbox. It laid disconnected complete 900 employees, 5 percent of its workforce, in Q2 of past twelvemonth alone, including layoffs astatine Crystal Dynamics and Beamdog, but not including past month’s layoffs astatine New World Interactive.

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