Elon Musk confirms X accounts with certain subscriber levels will get Premium bonuses

Sedang Trending 3 bulan yang lalu

Elon Musk already announced that AI chatbot Grok would beryllium disposable for Premium arsenic good arsenic Premium+ members later this week, and now he's making much tweaks to X's paid tiers.

Or, much specifically, he's allowing immoderate X users nan aforesaid benefits arsenic those that are paying.

"Going forward, each X accounts pinch complete 2500 verified subscriber followers will get Premium features for free and accounts pinch complete 5000 will get Premium+ for free," posted Musk connected Wednesday.

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Musk appears to beryllium talking astir accounts who person a definite number of paid subscribers, which is simply a characteristic that enables users to entree "bonus content" from creators they travel connected X. Subscriptions costs a group magnitude each period (subscribing to Musk's relationship will group you backmost $3.96 per month, for instance), pinch nan creators picking nan value point. It's fundamentally X's effort to compete pinch Patreon.

The problem? Even X's biggest accounts don't really person that galore subscriptions. Musk himself, who has almost 179 cardinal followers, only has a measly 149 subscribers astatine nan clip of writing.

It's possible, of course, that Musk isn't really referring to subscriptions, and simply intends verified followers. Mashable reached retired to X but received nan accustomed "busy now, please cheque backmost later" automated response.

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