Ditch the winter blues with a Verilux HappyLight Luxe for under $70 at Amazon

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Soak up those (safe) rays to fend disconnected SAD.

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a verilux happylight luxe sits connected a bedside table

Boost temper and thief pinch focus. Credit: Verilux

SAVE 30%: The Verilux HappyLight Luxe is conscionable $69.99 astatine Amazon, down from nan normal value of $99.95. That's a savings of $29.96.

Welcome to February — nan period erstwhile we each go convinced that wintertime will ne'er end. If nan acold feels for illustration it's seeped into your bones and you dream of only lukewarm summertime nights successful nan backyard, today's woody astatine Amazon will time off you emotion refreshed.

As of Feb. 1, nan Verilux HappyLight Luxe is conscionable $69.99 astatine Amazon, down from nan normal value of $99.95. That's a 30% discount aliases a savings of $29.96.

We're past nan darkest days of winter, but that doesn't mean seasonal affective upset (SAD) has left. The American Heart Association estimates that up to 10% of group surviving successful North America could beryllium experiencing SAD, a type of slump that's associated pinch nan seasons, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. The wide thought is that short days tin trigger a chemic imbalance successful nan encephalon which leads to symptoms of slump that show up seasonally.

Fortunately, 1 of nan easiest and astir readily disposable proven treatments to thief pinch SAD is light therapy. With 10,000 lux of UV-free full-spectrum light, nan HappyLight's purpose is to make you, well, happy. Verilux mentions soaking up these ray rays is basal to our wellbeing pinch impacts connected our slumber schedule, wide mood, expertise to focus, and our power levels.

Inside of nan Verilux HappyLight Lux lies 168 LED bulbs, fresh to boost your temper pinch safe UV-free light. The American Heart Association recommends vulnerability to ray therapy is astir effective successful nan greeting for 30 to 45 minutes. The Verilux HappyLight Luxe intends to make this ray therapy task elemental by coming pinch an included but detachable stand, truthful you could easy group it connected your bedside array aliases connected nan table astatine your location office. It's bladed creation intends it weights astir 2 pounds, truthful it's travel-friendly. The backmost of nan Verilux HappyLight Luxe besides has a wall mount, truthful you tin easy bent it adjacent to nan room array to usage while sipping immoderate greeting coffee.

The HappyLight Luxe has 4 brightness levels and 3 HappyHue colour somesthesia options, truthful you tin customize your rays. There's besides a programmable timer that you tin group successful 5 infinitesimal increments, up to 1 hour.

Soon outpouring blossoms will arrive, but until then, investing successful wellness and wellness pinch nan Verilux HappyLight Luxe could make a world of difference.

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Lauren Allain is simply a freelance journalist covering deals astatine Mashable. She graduated from Western Washington University pinch a B.A. successful publicity and holds an M.B.A from Webster Leiden. You tin find much of her activity online from publications including Reader’s Digest, U.S. News & World Report, Seattle Refined, and more. When she’s not writing, Lauren prefers to beryllium extracurricular hiking, bouldering, swimming, aliases searching for nan cleanable location for each three.

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