Add compelling voiceovers to your content with this $50 app

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Deal pricing and readiness taxable to alteration aft clip of publication.

TL;DR: As of February 5, get Leelo AI text-to-speech life subscription for conscionable $49.99, aliases get the Leelo Pro Plan for life for $79.99 — an 88% discount connected both.

Dance challenges whitethorn dress up for nan mostly of viral TikToks and Instagram Reels, but truthful do videos that show a compelling communicative — literally. While slapping connected immoderate matter connected footage whitethorn work, it's nan voiceover that tin genuinely group it isolated from nan influx of contented online. If you were not calved pinch a aureate sound for illustration Stephen Fry, fto Leelo AI do nan narrating for you instead.

Whether you're creating a presentation, a promotional video, an audiobook, aliases a TikTok, Leelo AI transforms written matter into engaging reside to bolster your content. It uses authentic accents truthful your output will ne'er suffer from nan monotony of a robotic drone. For a constricted time, you tin drawback a life subscription starting astatine $49.99.

Leelo is tin of generating reside successful complete 140 languages, including English, Arabic, Mandarin, and Korean. Dive into an expansive room of much than 800 voices, including male, female, and kid voices, which you tin besides infuse pinch emotion, ranging from hopeful and excited to friends and emphatic. If you request a much master tone, customer service, narration, and newscast voices are besides available.

Any generated audio record tin beryllium organized, managed, and stored successful nan level acknowledgment to nan built-in unreality storage. You besides person nan action to embed nan Leelo widget into your website to thief your visitors bask a seamless and immersive article-to-audio experience.

With a individual plan, you tin construe up to 35,000 words per month, totaling astir 4 hours of audio, while a pro scheme lets you dress up to 80,000 words aliases astir 9 hours of audio. With either option, you besides get unlimited downloads, entree to premium voices, and free commercialized usage of your generated reside files.

Mashable Deals

Elevate your video content. Grab these deals connected Leelo for a constricted time:

StackSocial prices taxable to change.

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